Holiday Special

Wanted to share my feelings on how I was treated last week when I purchases The War Within expansion.

Last week, I purchased The War Within on a Tuesday morning. Going into it in, I knew the servers were down. I purchased the game for $89.99 (full price) and let the game download. I was super excited to play as I haven’t played WoW in over a year and this expansion seemed like a good time to return and I am excited for the next expansion.

Later that day, I returned to my computer, logged into the app and saw that the game was now 30% off! I was super annoyed and contacted customer service to see if I could get a refund on the difference (almost $25). They said, due to their policies, they are not obligated to give any refunds. I felt that this was complete BS.

I had literally purchased the game 4 hours prior, but they would not give me any kind of refund or compensation. I know this seems petty, but $25 is almost 2 months of game time that I could have saved towards playing.

Just wanted to share my thoughts and thanks to anyone who reads this!

That was not a great way to handle it because it does not really explain to you WHY or how you can get your money back for refund eligible purchases.

Blizzard’s systems don’t have the ability to do partial payments, or partial refunds. It is all or nothing. The GM was right, but now you know why.

What normally would happen in this case is that you would refund the whole purchase then re-purchase it at the sale price.

That works, if you are still eligible for a refund. Refund eligibility is based on a few factors. It must be a recent purchase within the past 14 days, you can’t have used any aspects like a char service, and can’t have played more than 2 hours.

If you meet the refund requirements you don’t even need a GM. The refund system should automatically refund you the purchase. Just follow the ticket links for refunds. Then you can get the sale price and continue.

If you used a boost though it gets complicated. It would get locked during a refund, and that char may take a Problem with Purchase ticket to get unlocked agian.