Hearthstone bug

Good evening,

I would like to report a possible Hearthstone bug after the update on March 26, 2020. To my understanding, the recent “nerf” on the priest’s “Power World: Shield” card made it impossible to complete the last puzzle of the “Lethal” bonus tab of the “Dr. Cabum Lab” adventure (which you should give 999 damage to the opponent), since, prior to this update, the card draw bonus this card provided was necessary to solve the puzzle.
Maybe there is some way to solve it without it that I haven’t seen yet, however I thought it prudent to communicate the possible problem to the community and Blizzard itself.

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I gree with OP:

Please Blizz devs look at this problem. I’m facing it too! is the
Lethal Boomsday Puzzle Lab - Dr. Boomsday [FINALE!] Puzzle #4 - Full Northshire

Thanks in advance :slightly_smiling_face: