Fim da temporada 33 em Diablo 3, sem avisar

Venho aqui tentar compreender, porque mesmo que com um evento ocorrendo, ficou muitos jogadores ainda não o finalizaram, a blizard encerrou a temporada no dia 6 de janeiro de 2025.
Eu gostaria de compreender e uma resposta da blizard sobre isso, afinal de contas, virou bagunça?
Gostaria da opinião de todos.

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End of Season 33 in Diablo 3, without warning

I’m here to try to understand why, even with an event taking place, many players still haven’t finished it. Blizard ended the season on January 6, 2025.

I would like to understand and get a response from Blizard about this. After all, has it become a mess?

I would like everyone’s opinion.

It was a mistake… the season was not supposed to end on 6 January. You can see posts by Blizzard (in English only) here – I hope you can read English:


  • The special January event is separate from Season 33… you can complete it in non-season if you want to.

  • The end of the season was a mistake… it was not supposed to end until later. Unfortunately, and perhaps because of all the players complaining, Blizzard attempted to undo the season end… and made things worse in the attempt. There has been no communication from Blizzard for over 24 hours now… I do not know what Blizzard will decide to do.

  • There is a Diablo III forum in Portugese (Brasil) here: