Estimated time remaining for download/update

Hello I am wondering why you are not incorporating estimated download time in your client. I am pretty sure the algorithm or equation is quite easy.

You see you take the total download size example (10 GB) convert it to MB.
Which is 10 * 1000 = 10,000 MB. Next we take the total amount in MB and divide by the current download speed in MB per second. So for example the download speed is 2 MB/s, that makes our equation 10,000/2 which will give us the total seconds needed to download that is 5000 seconds. Then you divide the total seconds needed to download the file and divide by 60 to give us the total amount in minutes. For our example that means 5000/60 = 83.33 Minutes. Furthermore you can divide the minutes by 60 again to give the download time needed in hours. So finally 83.33 / 60 = 1.38 Hours.

It should be Easy to Implement into the client.
This has been great glad to have helped, Entrepaneer Signing out.


By far my least favorite post of all time. Good job.


What is wrong with wanting something so simple?
It baffles me that it doesn’t exist, one of the minor things that make using battlenet obnoxious.


Actually 1 GB is more closely downgraded to 1019Mb. So the equation you gave would give a horribly inaccurate guess. That being said I agree with you. It’s the 21st century, Blizzard should be able to add an ETA timer for their downloads, like every other platform on the market.

Then you would let the code know 1GB = x MB and convert thus very accurately.
It’s dead simple even a person with 1 h of coding could implement a ETA.

The real answer is brainless fanbots downvoting anything and everything which eventually muddies up the feedback and Blizzard employees being flat out lazy to do that because they’re getting paid eitherways. A simple QOL feature like this simply “not worth their time”.

I’m also baffled by the fact that most “online game platform/clients” even don’t have a simple shutdown machine after downloads are completed feature.

Just look at @Tegral pointing out that 19 MB’s difference is going to be an “horribly inaccurate guess” despite him “horribly and inaccurately” getting the units wrong by saying Mb (Megabits) instead of (MB) Megabytes.

I honestly hate this “change of direction” from game publishing/development companies who honestly don’t give a s*** about their customers like they used to. They honestly aren’t interested in you, they’re interested in your wallet. Now I’m not a “commie fanboy”, but this is what capitalism leads to. Once there’s “enough money at stake”, everything gets corrupted by it. Stakeholders are at the management’s throat and the management is at their employees’ throat. That’s peak fanbot performance right there.

After the whole “WC3 Remastered” fiasco, I don’t think I need to say anything more. Or that COD Vanguard is a straight up clone of MW with old guns and that’s literally it. Same with Diablo IV. It literally looks like a Diablo III clone and guess what, people are still going to lap that s*** up.
