Error Code: BLZBNTBTS00000011

I have tried all the suggestions but nothing works. I can not even uninstall the app to re-install it because it gives the same error massage. what else is there to do?


I am having the same trouble and nothing seems to work

Same thing. Just scans files, then the error code.

The same thing is happening to me too, my error code is BLZBNTAGT00000BB8.

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Same thing it starts today

The update is not working because of this error and it needs to be looked at further since my internet connection is not my problem

lo mismo me pasa con ese error, y tambien digo que no es mi conexion a internet

alguien que me confirme si desinstalando el juego y volviendo a instalarlo ya se pudo ejecutar el juego ?

Yep I had this issue as well but it works now. Follow the steps in this video


ya hice todos los pasos al pie de la letra, ahora solo falta esperar de terminar la reparación, ¿a ti te soluciono el problema de este error [BLZBNTBTS00000011] ?

Como SOLUCIONAR error blzbntagt00000bb8 de BATTLE.NET Call of Duty: MW--Warzone--Cold War 2021 - YouTube prueba eso.