Just received a new MacBook Pro M4 installed with Mac OS 15 Sequoia. I’m trying to install Battle.net, but I can’t. The installer gives me this error (BLZBNTAGT00000840) and I end up with a file called Battle.net in the /Applications folder that has no icon and weights 0 Ko. Blizzard documentation is unhelpful.
Any ideas? Been running Battle.net and WoW on my previous MacBook Pro with no issues for the last 6 years.
Having the same issue. And the “More help” is entirely unhelpful, as it is premised off having the application installed and usable to run the repair tool, which we cannot do if the application won’t install properly.
I’ve also been having the same issue. I tried to submit a ticket and they said to manual remove the install directory but it didn’t work. At this point I have no idea what to do and hope that Blizzard does something to fix it
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I’m in the exact same boat as OP. Praying this gets fixed soon - brand new Macbook Pro and it doesn’t work!
Same issue, tried several workarounds including disk access and permissions. No luck, seems to be an issue on Blizzard’s end. Hoping they get it fixed soon.
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Im having the same issue, lastnight i do a hardreset to my Mac i was installed wow and works perfectly, but when i try to reinstall after my hardreset the Battle Net app , i dosnt works and says the exactly same issue and i found the icon of Battle Net at app folder with a lock XC i try to install sequíoia and Sonoma and neither works, hope they fix this XC
Same issue. My new iMac just arrived which gave me a deep illusion that I could play all night hearthstone. And now? PLEASE FIX IT ASAP!
Same issue here. Cannot install battle.net, installation ends with error BLZBNTAGT00000840. Mac OS 14.6 on MacBook Air M2
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Having this same issue on an m3 max, have tried all of the steps blizzard suggested as well as many on other forum posts with no success. bnet installer will prompt for install location, jump from 45-90% almost instantly then present the BLZBNTAGT00000840 error.
Precise same issue as you guys. Please Blizzard look at this
same issue. MBP M4 Max. tried 15.2 and beta… all the full disk access stuff…new user…new networks…zero firewall…all the things… No joy.
I have the same issue with my MacBook Air M1. The support just said yeah I dunno what to do go to the Forums and look for an answer. Like wtf.
I found a workaround that worked for me!
I had an older macbook air that i booted up that has Sonoma 14.61, my Pro has Sequoia 15.2. I was able to installe battle.net on the air, then copy folders to an external drive > pro.
Moved the following to an external hard drive:
From applications: battle.net
From hard drive /Users/Shared/
Battle.net > copied entire folder
Blizzard > copied entire folder
Connected external drive on the pro and placed the copied folders in their respective locations:
Battle.net > applications
Battle.net folder > /Users/Shared/
Blizzard folder > /Users/Shared/
I was able to launch the battle.net app after this and login/start downloading games.
Not ideal, but happy it worked, especially since the air has intel processor and pro has the m3.
I face the same problem!!! For the second time!!! My MacBook Air with M1 suddenly denied me playing wow 2 year ago and I couldn’t reinstall the battlenet because of this problem. Now I have an new M4 Max Macbook… everything worked fine until yesterday!!! What I cannot understand: I was so desperate that I made a reset of my MacBook and even reinstalled sequoia… so why do I receive this error code? everything is deleted, isn’t it? and if one was able to install battlenet some weeks ago why not again?
Alright I figured it out thanks to a new reddit post. So how it worked for me, was to simply navigate to the “Agent” folder, and click to run the Agent application, then directly afterwords run the “battle.net-setup” application again. You may need to do this a few times but you’ll know it is working once you are asked multiple times to enter your admin password. Just go back and forth running the two and eventually the files should repair themselves appropriately. Hope this helps and works for everybody else.
I was finally able to install Battle.net. Here’s what I did.
- Start fresh by deleting the Agent folder in /Users/Shared/Battle.net
- Add Battle.net Setup Installer to Full Disk Access
- Run Battle.net Setup Installer
- Once /Agent.app has been created in /Users/Shared/Battle.net (when asked for install path), add Agent.app to Full Disk Access
- Continue with installation, but it fails (with new error code)
From here, I started again but I made sure Agent.app was running before launching the Battle.net Setup Installer.
- Double-click Agent.app 81726 times until it finally shows up in Activity Monitor. It wouldn’t launch at first, but it eventually did.
- Launch Battle.net Setup Installer.
- Proceed as normal.
This worked for me! Installing WoW as I’m typing this.
OMG GOOOOOD!!! IT WORKS IT WOOORKSSSS!!! TY SOO MUCH BUDY!! im going crazy trying to find a solution, I have like 3 days looking for it! and u save me!!!
Good day everyone.
An investigation has been opened for this but we are in need of logs to help narrow down what is happening. If you are still experiencing the issue please follow the steps below and email us the logs. Thank you for your assistance.
- Download LogGoblin_Mac.zip
- Close the Battle.net desktop app if it’s running.
- In Finder, navigate to your user account Downloads (~/Downloads) directory and double-click the archive to extract LogGoblin.
- Run LogGoblin and wait a few minutes while your Battle.net desktop app logs are gathered.
- A zip file named BattleNetLogs-[YYYY-MM-DD].[HHMMSS].zip, which contains all of your log files, will be created at the location shown in the Terminal window.
- Exit Terminal.
Email: techinfo@blizzard.com
Subject: Bnet Logs Mac OS
Thank you so much. It works now
Good day everyone!
This should be fixed but if anyone is still having the issue please let us know here, thank you!