Endgame loot drops is overall bad

Im running hell1 dungeons to try get some sets. Those dont drop at all, but thats not the worst, im not supposed to get those in 1 day. But the worst is you only get blue items in those on hell1, not even yellow items to salvage to upgrade gear drops. I have been running dungeon for 8 hours today on hell1 and only got blue items.

Its not worth your time to run those, if you at least got some materials or yellows to salvage it would be i bit worth using time on. Gems could also be a things in those. Its just bad.

And why can´t you run Elder rift on hell1+. That does in my mind not making any sense. In those you at least get more than blue items, and is more worth the time. Can anyone explain me why Elder rift is not a hell+ option? It should be since dungeons are very boring and not rewarding, so run some rifts sometimes would be a good break.

I dont get gems to upgrade my normal gems, and i dont get yellow items / Materials to upgrade my gear. So what is it exactly we shall do at level 60? But quess its here my wallet is needed. I have bought the battlepass boost and thats all I wanna use money on, so my last question, is my wallet the only way to progress in the game from level 60? or are you planning on making usefull loot drop in the game like the yellows. Just wanna know before I spend much more time in the game.

…try tto enable warcraft logs… hehe

From what it looks like, if you are at end game, and you don’t want to pay, you are only meant to do your bounties, get whatever daily tasks out of the way, and then not play. It doesn’t appear that they want you to spend hours and hours grinding for mats/ gear every day.

No i see i bought the battlepass thing ill let that run out and leave this. You cant even solo dungeons like wtf.