E-Sport Ethics, What it should be? Can you get any issue?

Talking about SC2…
Some players are using “something” that allow them to receive less damage than the correct one. They also can “know” what you are doing without scouting, and consequently counter attack. It is not fair, it not competition, it is NOT an e-Sport like this. I don’t know if the issue is in my PC, some video mining or transmitted game data mining, or client tables changing, what I know is that I play enough to realize this things in gameplay. When you attack fast with pressure you realize. Resources changing and others weird things too …

Blizzard could count and alert Microsoft the correct number of connections, you have the mouse drivers, why not control the internet connections?
Ok not easy…

Hope W11 help someway! No Fair, no good , no e-Sport.
Every sport needs ethics. Play Fair ! Not just courtesy will make the game to be played by more and more people. So GLHF with next updates and we will have more and more GGs.