yeah what about our buzz blizz? you ever think of that NO YOU ONLY THINK OF YOURSELF
Hot fix coming in! might be on here team!
2 bottles of wine down and still no wow
Have some issue as well, you are not alone.
you might need to drink a 3rd to forget about all that
Literally sitting here playing pokemon, attempting to shiny hunt at this point lol
so sorry jen cheers
LOLLLL so true … my wife is connected for the past hour ive been drooling on her screen … doin pvp no problem … I SHOWED HER THE GAME … ITS MY GAME !!! NOT HERS !!! /jealous
I got a bunch of fireball shots lined up in bud
At least we’re all here TOGETHER
and we dont need a mask
cheers to that
cheers! guess that is an excuse for another lol
do eeetttttt
Yikes! All I wanted to do was play OW lol now I’m crossing over to the dark side and taking shots.
welcome to the club!
i guess i’ll do like most of us and just go chill on something else for now I guess RNG as even hit their login system … ill try to roll dices later take care all and GL login
Cheers! I’ll probably do the same haha
So what happened why is this busted?
Some sort of authentication issue on their end Baked