Disconnection Problem

nope. just growing more and more incompetent

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Same here ā€¦ and I was JUST coming on for my 1h a dayā€¦ :frowning:

Error: WOW51900319


hopefully they fix that soon ā€¦ still got 6 alts to run horseman on ā€¦ grr with that Rng drop on the mount after all those years ā€¦ i need all attemps possible !!! :stuck_out_tongue: gogo blizz help us


Same. As of 10:35 pm est i canā€™t log in


Can someone post on their Twitter about this issue? I would but sadly, I donā€™t have social media outlets. :frowning:


i just updated my memory in my pc and thought i screwed up something lol


lol im building a new UI and really though i messed eveything up as well :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Same disconnection issue, tried going in directly through game
and bypassing bnet, same issues. Sometimes I go into cue, but as soon as I finish, it DCā€™s.


I just stopped in to see if I was the only one. Sigh.

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Same disconnect here. However, I was still able to login to Classic (though you still get the login full message first)


Same issue here. Error: WOW51900319


Maybe if we flood this forum with messages it will garner some attention from Blizzard??? At my wits in, cā€™man Blizzard itā€™s Saturday!!! :frowning:

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Me and my boyfriend are ahving the same issue. At first it was me but then 5 mins later it booted him as well. Its been a good 30mins and still no luck.

Same, sometimes it puts me in a single digit queue then boots me once it counts down.

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it really looks like a login issue through login server ā€¦ cuz my wife and half my guild are still online no probā€¦ i guess as long as they dont d/c or switch toon

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I am also recieving both errors, have run a scan and repair with no success. have also tried getting into game on its own and not through the launcher with no success.

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Same problem.

Restarting wow, battle net, and computer didnā€™t help.

Scan and repair also didnā€™t work

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Plus I notice we donā€™t have avatars on this thread.

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Just sucks man, waited all week to play this game for a mount I probably wonā€™t even get anyways.

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I just subbed and unable to log in as well. Thought I maybe did something wrong in account settings. Glad to see it isnā€™t just me.