I’m posting this in addition to WaxyMorty’s post over here ( us.forums.blizzard dot com/en/blizzard/t/instaling-diablo-iv-bug/53920 ) to try to make sure Blizzard actually sees this.

I have had issues during the “Logging into Diablo IV” part of attempting to load my character select screen. Everything online says “oh just reinstall the game” (which itself is considerably stupid, but I said to myself, “I have 1Gbps fiber to the house, why not at least try”). Then this happens:

imgur dot com/a/g2uFEqm

This is ridiculous. My internet works perfectly fine. My downloads on Steam get upwards of 800 Mbps without issue. Is it too much to ask that for a game which Blizzard expects people to keep paying to get Platinum and lining their pockets, to actually provide a proper service to make downloads not take literal days?

(And before the “entitled” replies, you’re damn right we as the consumer are entitled to what we pay for, so good luck with that routine)

The tech support forums are supported by fellow players. Download speed isn’t something the developers would be able to address. It’s possible your ISP throttles Blizzard data or has a bad route to their content delivery servers. My downloads are usually 100 to 200Mbps from them on Charter, with a 1Gbps internet package.