It’s baffling me since yesterday that I was made aware of its existence. Part of the confusion stems from name discrepancies. Let me elaborate:
there’s a side quest called ‘Pinch of Poison’, given by Baraim in Gea Kul
the rewards include a container called ‘Curative Cache’ plus a ‘Curative Elixir recipe’
the cache contains 5 Antivenin Elixirs; the recipe is found in your Quest items tab
you take with the recipe to the Alchemist and a new tab will appear in his/her crafts window: Quest Elixirs; herein there’s only one item: Elixir of Antivenin
Now then, here’s the issues (encountered across all characters both me and 3 friends have):
the Quest Elixirs tab is missing for all characters (Season/Eternal) at level 100
it is also missing from characters below 100, despite them having completed the quest (proven by the fact that they possess Antivenin Elixirs and there’s no other source of acquiring them)
that tab is present on some characters who have completed the quest and are below 100, but not all of them
Can anyone offer some solid info on how this blessed/cursed item works?