So ive been playing diablo immortal mobile for a little over 6 months now… I have to admit that i absolutely love this game. Im not completely f2p and im not p2w either. Im like most game enthusiasts. When i find a game i love and want to support or become better and give myself a competitive edge, i invest when i can to increase the pleasure of my game play. No i dont consider myself a whale because ive spent a few hundred dollars here and there, yes i consider myself a hobbyist. I do have a few critiques i would love to influence change for if the powers that be *coughs loudly (Blizzard) would deem considerable. 1. Bring back every skin from previous seasons and make them re-obtainable for people that joined the game after the season ended. How you would do this could be creative for f2p players (easter egg challenge as ex… quests, special bosses, etc or simply make them purchasable for what they would have cost during the event. Lets be honest… even though you might not have the stats you want there isnt much like a badass set of armor to motivate you towards grinding it out to get the power to match the look. 2. Add more to the mainline story. After the story ends it gets mundane week after week grinding out the same tasks especially after youve capped helliquary, bg, quests, etc. I think if the storyline had more alt endings or just kept progressing it would give players something to do when they capped for the week or when they wanted to take a break from grinding. Possibly even add completely different side quests that correlate with relevant characters we met and helped during the main storyline. These are just a few of the things ive been thinking about lately -last1left
Im playing Diablo Immortal and have been enjoying it. Ive recently ran across a problem with the downloading of content. No matter what content i need it always has the same amount of storage needed and reads i need to free up space. I dont know how to report the issue and i hope i can get it fixed. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.