Diablo 2 US-East Down

ETA on the servers being back up?


I am also waiting for servers to come back up why are they down?

I’d say ‘Hopefully they are installing a little quick edit to detect kolbot/pickit users and just erase them off battle.net’ but they probably have some d2item sites that they themselves run bots with.

It’s back up.

Thanks for your reports everyone. We’re aware of the issue and have received an alert over the connection issues with Diablo II. We’re looking into this and will continue to monitor for any improvements with the servers.

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Fix the damn queues on US ast , they will come back in few days!

also the issue with cd key being used by myself

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Says my keys are in use aswell. Been saying that for a lil over 10 hours now.
Are yours still jammed?

Our team is still investigating the cause of the issue, but have changed somethings to help get everything back online. The servers are still being monitored at this moment.


Thanks for the update. Keep after this bear of a problem. Looking forward to a smooth reset/playthrough next season.