Diablo 2 - Player Not Found

Hi. So I’m making some new characters and after playing them for a while I get disconnected and when I try to select the character again it says “Player Not Found” and wont let me play it anymore. Its not expired and I’m not cheating or running bots or anything. What is causing this?

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Diablo 2 requires that you “perm” a character before it’s officially saved to the servers, which requires you be on that character for a certain amount of time before logging off the game. If you’re getting disconnected before permming a toon, then it wont be there.

I don’t know if it’s still a thing, but back when Diablo 2 was current, there used to be afk groups and game lobbies dedicated solely to permming characters. If I remember right I think it was like 6 to 8 hours for a full perm, though if you only played it for like an hour, it would still give you enough time to get on the next day.