Could not login to battlenet app

Hey all, I am unable top connect to the desktop app. tried different netoworks, restarted pc, I’ve reinstalled battlenet 3 times, tried making new admin account, closed all other apps, closed and relaunched bnet app to no avail. Please help.

Same situation here. Reinstall, restart, i even switched network, tried everything possible, just not allow me to login. Raised support ticket, no reply yet.

Same issue, everything worked yesterday. Today Battlenet is offline and won’t let me log in. A second computer for my son on the same router works fine still. Tried rebooting, tried removing and reinstalling Battlenet, tried the dns renew and flush, nothing seems to work. So aggravating as everything was fine yesterday and as far as I know nothing has changed.

u mňa ten iste problem jeden deň som hral starcraft2 a na druhy deň sa mi ukazalo pri spušťani hry nevieme overiť vaš digitalni signaturu a aj keď som sa pokusil preinštalovať ale bo odstraniť vihodilomi kontaktujte podporu. Poprosim o pomoc s problemom

Create a new Windows admin account. You likely have a permission issue on the Bnet folder.

im having the same issue its giving me the BLZBNTAGT00000960 error code


This likely points to a background program like security software blocking the app. You may need to configure the security software to allow the Blizzard app. Otherwise, try uninstalling the security software temporarily and then restart the PC. If that works, you can reinstall the security software.

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