Concern Regarding Lack of Support for Turkey-Based Requests

Hello Blizzard Support Team,

I am writing to express my concern and frustration regarding the lack of support provided to players in Turkey. It is extremely disheartening to see that support requests from Turkey often go unanswered or unresolved. As a loyal player and paying customer, this situation feels highly unfair and unprofessional.

Blizzard has always been known for its dedication to its community, yet this issue makes Turkish players feel excluded and undervalued. I kindly ask that you address this concern and ensure that players in Turkey receive the same level of support and attention as players from other regions.

I believe improving this aspect would not only resolve ongoing frustrations but also strengthen the relationship Blizzard has with its Turkish player base.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this feedback. I hope to see meaningful changes soon.

Best regards,