it’s still doing this…

SOLUTION FOR ME AND maybe you. If you have anything in “additional command lines” clear it out and everything was back to normal. Hope this helps. I hopped on WZ after 2 months and came back to this issue lol, Glade i can help anyone


bro you are the real MVP

Fix BLZBNTBNA00000012 Warzone Pacific The Only Solution What will work! - YouTube

This is the easiest and fastest way to play the game.

Let Me Show You Guys The Error BLZBNTBNA00000012 - YouTube

I am having Dev error 5476 error here myself. I have tried literally everything,

  • Changing the game folder path and relinking the game.
  • Scan and repair
  • Reinstall game
  • Delete the MW folder in Documents
  • Launch BNET and MW both admin
  • Launch from game exe directly
  • Other things I cant recall.

Nothing works. Game launches, then when it gets to ‘Fetching store info’ it crashes with Dev Error 5476.

I hope dev’s are fixing this.


Thanks bro this worked for me! 10/10 tell a friend

hola mira busca, taison tv, el tiene la solucion para el juego, el video de el me ayudo con ese problema que me dio ami mismo

busca a tayson tv en youtube el tiene la solucion ami me ayudo yo tenia el mismo proble, mira el video te va ayudar

Hey, im having the same issue .Vanguard plays evrything else is OK. Warzone is giving me the exact same thing so im glad because its not just me and hopeful because if its us and a lot more so hopefully its fixed soon :frowning:

COD BROKE PERIOD dem boys lacking

Mine is working and lunching from after I turned off the additional command-line arguments in the game settings and also followed the video on changing the install location. Hope it works for everyone else

This does not work for everyone!!

does reinstalling work? or will it take us back to the same error

I am finally playing again… None of the above suggestions worked until I tried what customer support suggested which was to Uninstall and reinstall the app. I had to open task manager to repeatedly end task for the update launcher because it keeps running. Once I end task, I immediately clicked uninstall, and it worked. Then just reinstall the app.
I did just have an issue tho where after a match, the screen displays “Loading Assets” and keeps blinking. So there’s still an issue somewhere.

This work around functioned earlier in the day, however after exiting to take care of work and other adulting things, I came back to play again, and this work around no longer works and is resulting in the same error code received as when attempting to launch through the launcher.


F$&^ U cod. Another F&$% up for some S&@%^& vanguard game that was made for purely money and ruined games actually worth playing. scan and repair doesn’t work, uninstall and reinstall doesn’t work, and every fix with a few hours of time

unfortunately didn’t work for me but thank you for the video.

hey man , having the same issues. it goes to check update and crash out

Step 1. Press on the cog next to ‘Play’
2. Click “show in explorer”
3. Click on “call of duty modern warfare”
4. Locate “modern warfare launcher” (DONT CLICK ON IT)
5. Underneath it, should just say “Modern Warfare”. Double click on it.