Classic API is broken

There are still a lot of Classic API endpoints not working and I found out this is the status since many many months. Did Blizzard say anything about this issue in the past?

Following API endpoints work for me:
Auction House Index
Connected Realms Index
Connected Realm
Connected Realms Search
Creature Search
Item Search
Media Search
PvP Regional Season Index
Realms Index
Realm Search
Regions Index

Following API endpoints do NOT work for me:
Creature Families Index
Creature Family
Creature Types Index
Creature Type
Creature Display Media
Creature Family Media
Guild Crest Components Index
Guild Crest Border Media
Guild Crest Emblem Media
Item Classes Index
Item Class
Item Subclass
Item Media
Playable Classes Index
Playable Class
Playable Class Media
Playable Races Index
Playable Race
Power Types Index
Power Type
PvP Seasons Index
PvP Season
PvP Region Index
PvP Regional Season
PvP Leaderboards Index
PvP Leaderboard
PvP Rewards Index
WoW Token Index (CN)

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Apologies for the inconvenience and the late response. It appears that the static-classic-xx namespace aliases were not properly updated with patch 3.4.3 as intended. While this is unfortunate, it was more impactful as the old 3.4.2 namespaces that the aliases were referencing appear to have been removed at some point (which is why they were returning 404s).

We will try to watch this more closely in the future, but if you are ever having issues using the aliases, it is also possible to access the namespaces by build directly.

e.g. static-3.4.3_51505-classic-us

This may also be helpful to compare or reference older static APIs if that is of value.

Also, it may not be the most intuitive method, but recently updated profile or dynamic namespace APIs reference/link the static namespaces by build rather than using the alias. In this way it is possible to locate the latest namespace if desired.

Could you please tell me the namespace in which the two APIs operate?

profile > character > appearance
data > pvp api

Also, the profile archievements API does not work in the ko_KR language locale. Can you solve it?

The namespace strategy the WoW APIs are using is documented on the developer portal:

There are a few APIs in which localization strings are collapsed and only strings for en_US are present. We understand that this is not ideal, but because of the potential size of some of these profile documents and number of referenced strings, we are unable to include localizations. In these cases, localization strings from the static references must be retrieved (which should always be linked from the profile APIs).

I know this affects the Profile achievements, quests, professions, and encounters (dungeons/raids) APIs off the top of my head.


Oh dear operator, thank you for your reply.

As you said, the Achievement API handled it that way.
We would like to ask you to ensure that the APIs below operate normally. thank you
You said it might work if you use the latest namespace instead of the alias namespace, but I couldn’t find a namespace that would work.

Profile Character Appearance
PvP Seasons Index
PvP Season
PvP Region Index
PvP Regional Season
PvP Leaderboards Index
PvP Leaderboard
PvP Rewards Index

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Is there a namespace for Season of Discovery. I’m trying to access the API for this version. Please let me know if that is possible.

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