Claim Character for Warcraft Logs

Sorry if this Out of Topic.

Just wanna ask, how to claim our character for Warcraftlogs.
When im click the claim button, theres always a notice like this :
" * Unable to locate any forum activity for this character. You must have a public World of Warcraft Classic forum profile to continue the import process. To create a forum profile, all you have to do is change your active forum character to the one you want to import. You do not have to post to the forums. "

For anyone whos answering my question, ill be really appreciate it.
Thank you.


You need to go to the World of Warcraft Classic forum - like it says.

Then go to your forum Profile at the top right of the web page on that forum. Click your picture and select the option to change characters to the one you want to have the API pick up.


delete this please now


Did u manage to change it?


This. This is what worked for me. Thanks champ


real MVP’s , this worked.

  • This character belongs to a guild, Indecisive, that you have not joined on Warcraft Logs. Your user must be at least Recruit rank in the guild to continue the import process. If the guild we found is not your current guild, then go to the Blizzard forums and like a forum post using this character to get your guild information refreshed. how to fix dat?

Thanks a lot ! Worked for me aswell

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This worked great!! Thank you so much for a clear layout!!

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wow i really hope this solves it


Hi, I have another question related to this - if I go to “Change Character”, I only see my BattleTag. But if I search for my ingame character name, it says:
“No characters match your filter.”
How do I make my TBC Classic character available here?


hi miss chettah i need to tlak toy you .i have isssue


same problem really so bad

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only battle tags showing to me nothing more what to do

Follow the directions in my other post. You are NOT on the World of Warcraft forums right now. You are on the generic Battlenet forums. Go to the WOW forums first.

You need to go to the World of Warcraft Classic forum - like it says.

World of Warcraft Forums

WoW Classic General Discussion

Discuss World of Warcraft Classic.

Then go to your forum Profile at the top right of the web page on that forum. Click your picture and select the option to change characters to the one you want to have the API pick up.


Si me funciono! excelente ayuda…gracias

hmm nice gonna try that now