Character BLZWEBAPI00000404 404 Not Found


Using the testing on this URL https:// develop. battle. net/documentation/world-of-warcraft/profile-apis and the following details
:region us
{realmSlug} haomarush
{characterName} nykza
namespace profile-us
locale en_US

The following request and response is made

Request URL (access_token removed)
https:// us. api. blizzard. com/profile/wow/character/haomarush/nykza/collections/pets?namespace=profile-us&locale=en_US&access_token=

Response Status
404 Not Found

Response Headers
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

Error Body
“code”: 404,
“type”: “BLZWEBAPI00000404”,
“detail”: “Not Found”

The realmSlug works in this request (access_token removed)
https:// us. api. blizzard. com/data/wow/realm/haomarush?namespace=dynamic-us&locale=en_US&access_token=

Both upper and lower case character names return the 404 but the character can be loaded on this link using both upper and lower case character names
https:// worldofwarcraft. com/en-us/character/us/haomarush/nykza/collections/pets

Can you please check to see why the character is not loading via the API?


any idea on this one i keep getting character not found

‘character_profile_summary-http_code’ => integer404
‘character_achievements_summary-http_code’ => integer404
‘character_achievement_statistics-http_code’ => integer404
‘character_equipment_summary-http_code’ => integer404
‘character_specializations_summary-http_code’ => integer404
‘character_completed_quests-http_code’ => integer404
‘character_collections_pets-http_code’ => integer404

all 404 means toon has not been logged in since tuesday or for a while