Cataclysm installation fails at 4%

As stated in the title. I have been on and off the game for years. I find that not only can I not install the Cataclysm Expansion Set. Even though the other prior expansion sets loaded without a problem. But, can not see any of my characters as well. It is if they erased all my character data. So I will address the Cataclysm installation failure first. How can I get this resolved. It seems that technical support will have nothing to do with the topic as it is now identified as a beta version? So I ask you, who is in charge of correcting said issue? I have snap shots if need be. Prior: Ticket Number: US97725017


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  • The Blizzard Arcade Collection such as the Lost Vikings and Rock N Roll Racing;
  • Battle.Net Edition of Diablo I, Warcraft: Orcs and Humans & Warcraft: II.

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