Can't install warcraft III classic like before

Hi! It’s been hard to install and play the game online after reforged came out. But if you linked game keys in your profile there was a link that downloaded a laucher which installed the game and you could run it from blizzard launcher as if I had reforged.
It was bad but it worked. Now the mentioned above links lead nowhere and download blizzard launcher. You run the file it checks for the blizzard client updates and does nothing. Literally nothing. Cause it’s the same file you’d get when click “Download”.
I wasted hours to get the game but it’s like it’s done purposely. Though I’m in restricted region where i can’t buy reforged even if I wanted. (Would I want it?)
All existing posts lead here download.battle .net/en-us/?platform=windows&product=w3roc&locale=enUS but it just downloads the stupid launcher which is much worse now than I remember. It does not have the game ofc.
How do I install the game to play online? I don’t need an offline copy.
us.forums.blizzard. com/en/warcraft3/t/classic-warcraft-iii-official-installers-official-patches/21415 this doesn’t work too, cause it doesn’t link my blizzard account with keys to the game. Servers for 1.27 warcraft are unavailable so it’s an online version. Links to ver. 1.31 patches lead nowhere now. Everything is upsidedown here. Damn.
I can’t include links in the post…


I obviously have the same issue. Under there i fast copy what i wrote to ticket to support, so they told me to get here.

I can’t install or play warcraft 3 classic and warcraft 3 frozen throne classic (not reforged) when i have them on my account by License Key i literally still should have somewhere CD. Some time ago i normally could install the warcraft 3 and ofc. frozen throne without buying reforged version of it and now i’m unable to even install it, becouse everything shows me is option to buy reforged version, and just like the guy up here in post installing through license key and profile shows only option to download not the real game. Is there anything you can help me about or i just have to buy CD drive to play the game?

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