Cannot Install/Scan/Repair anything in

I’ve been having some BSOD’s lately on my new custom built PC. One fault code I have had recently was a Stop code:“BAD_POOL_CALLER”. After some digging on the interwebs I found deep in reddit, that somebody had found a reinstall did the trick.

So I uninstalled WoW Cataclysm & Classic, Uninstalled Battle.Net, and proceeded to re-install. installed fine.
WoW Cataclysm did not. The installation almost instantaneously craps out, and I’m given the old “Whoops! Looks like something broke. Give it another shot.” - and the fault code associated is “BLZBNTAGT0000138E”. Go figure, the link literally takes me to a dead page. There’s nothing. Zero history, zero notes, zero anything on this fault code. So what the hell?

Even though the installation seemingly craps out “immediately”, when I look in my World of Warcraft game directory on my C:, a couple files for Cata did download. Enough files downloaded for me to now have the option to “Update” WoW.

When I click the big blue “Update” button, bnet scans the game files, and to no fail, every single time, at 89% - I get another “Whoops! Looks like something broke. Give it another shot.” with - BLZBNTAGT0000138E being the associated fault code with this scenario. SICK! ANOTHER page not found

I should add, the most frequent BSOD errors I get are “SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION” and “MEMORY_MANAGEMENT”. This instance was the only time I had one of the “BAD_POOL_CALLER” one. But the random, spurious fault code made me feel a little desperate hence why I went steadfast at the full WoW/Bnet reinstall.

Based on what I listed in the original post - could these issues be liked to a RAM or an SSD issue? Any bigger nerds on here than me who can answer?

I was literally playing WoW on my 3 accounts simultaneously YESTERDAY. How is this all of a sudden a problem?

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i am having the same issue with diablo 2

This last upload sucks rocks. When I was able to log in afterwards, I got intermittent freezing during play. So I logged out and gave it some hours before going back in - same thing. I’ll be fighting something then my buttons don’t work. I have one panel of defense buttons and spells instead of the helpful two but that doesn’t matter anyway when they don’t work. I come on here to relax - I wish what was done could be undone.

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