Blzbntbna00000a8e (2403)

I simply cannot log into to the client. I can log in on the browser, but the desktop app keeps returning the same error. It says it’s an issue on the other end, however, this issue has been persisting for several days.

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this is happening to me, but I see nobody bothered to help you either… so I have 0 hope in getting help now.

edit: here I managed to fix the problem myself hopefully this also fixes it for you if you’re still having the problem:

I usually login to the Americas version of but I’m from EUR, what I did is click the cog (settings icon) before logging in to battlenet and change my region to my home region (EUR) and logged in then it prompt me for my DoB before I could proceed, when I logged out and tried to login again on Americas version of the launcher again it then worked.

how to change the region if you need to know that:


Moira, thank you so much for this. Worked for me :smiley:

Thanks Moira, this also worked for me :slight_smile:

Worked for me too! Thanks!

Omg thank you sooo much!

My god… Thank you… just got D2R and couldn’t get in to B.N… you are a true godsend.

Omg, Thank you sooo much :smile:

None of the above worked for me BUT, just as I gave up all hope…

I logged in via my browser first and that went smoothly, THEN I logged in via the Battle.Net launcher app and voila! :relaxed:

Hope this helps in 2022 onwards!

Absolute life saver my boy, can never count on the devs but the community will always be there. Moira has achieved full legend status.

It worked for me, too! You are a Goddess, madam. Blessing upon you!