Blzbntagt00001393 - the solution!


I’m a overwatch player, may i say the CoD forum mod i saw for your game was super rude and told you idiot “CoD” players to blame activation and go ask their support and its not blizzards issue as they didn’t make the game (despite its a battle net issue thing and also the game probably downloads from THEIR server)

The faq for “blzbntagt00001393” is useless, it says download a tool to fix the battle net problems, you click on the hyperlink NO tool, last solution is “scan and repair” but if you click it, it gives you the same error, the game is LOCKED

I fixed the game by moving the biggest folder in overwatch “data” (which I assume is the actual game) to a different location, go to battle net, uninstall the game, the button will instantly go from “update” to "install game’ then install some of the game, I did 1%, pause the installation, close battle net, then transfer the biggest folder back (as stated mine was data) reopen battle net, i then clicked “scan and repair” and it continued fixing/updating everything, bam it worked!

i think blizzard says its not their fault, and I’m no pro in IT, but i feel the game is contaminated with incorrect files the last time I existed the game (probably did some pre-update??) so next time when it does an update it won’t update properly and soft locks itself, thus reinstallation will (I assume) usually fix the game as it makes you start from scratch pulling the game from the server, THEN updates, but I’m not reinstalling 40gbs worth of data

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You should apply for their tech support dept. then. If you could do that w/o no support and figure out a solution, you’re far more valuable to us players there than simply in the forums.
Think about it- you basically did their jobs for them!! Good work!! :+1: