Blizzard agent went to sleep

same here when it going to be fixed??

worst client ever!!! :rage: :rage:


same problem uninstalled and it will not reinstall



Eu devia tá jogando uma partidazinha antes de ir trabalhar, mas pelo visto vou ficar só querendo, todo mundo com o mesmo problema.

O meu jogo travou, tentei reinstalar e fica travado no “Atualizando o Agente da Blizzard”, não vai pra frente.

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  1. go to File explorer
  2. find the folder where you installed the game (World of Warcraft_retail_)
  3. find the file wow.exe and clic !
  4. done! u can play Wow

This a temporal solution for play when Blizzard fix (again) problems with

Cheers from Argentina


Following worked for me to launch D3:

THIS FIX ONLY WORKS IF YOUR GAME IS ALREADY UPDATED TO PATCH (if you changed your installation path manually, you need to adapt those paths accordingly):

  • Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo III\x64 (or 32bit, if you need that)
  • Create Shortcut on Diablo III64.exe
  • Drag shortcut on Dekstop. Edit shortcut.
  • Append -launch to TARGET for example: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo III\x64\Diablo III64.exe” -launch
  • Double click - you need to MANUALLY log in each time (with authenticator).
  • You can change realm by logging out and select “EUROPE” in options. (if you have an empty hero list, make sure you are on the correct region)

do not work at all because dont work…

Works like a charm :slight_smile: thanks


  1. go to File explorer
  2. find the folder where you installed the game (World of Warcraft_retail_)
  3. find the file wow.exe and clic !
  4. done! u can play Wow

They are working on it:

same here
what is happening

100% we aren’t getting any compensation like a proper company would do for it’s customers during a problem like this. Greedy ActiBlizzard is bad, lets all demand for free wow time!!!

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Same here, for once a game is free let me play it…please…

Same here, reinstalling doesn’t do anything


Ty but not work because the game dont let enter because of the problem

same issue blizzard agent went to sleep and i fix it just delete all folder (works for me) Open run and copy this
%programfiles(x86)%, %programdata%, %localappdata%, %appdata%

If you have a lower IQ than the average person you will reply that you have the same problem and fill this thread with mostly “same problem” replies so everyone has to scroll through non-sense to maybe find a fix.


doesnt work for SC2 :"(

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This is because of the recent windows update, my cousin had the problem, told me what he did to gain the problem so I decided to update my windows and got the same problem.

i do have the same problem here. hope for a fix soon…