Just bought diablo 2 resurrected from the online store, and Battlenet will not install on my windows 10 laptop.
Things I’ve tried:
- New attempt on a fresh installer,
- Deleting %APPDATA%, %TEMP%, and %PROGRAMDATA% blizzard folders
- 5g internet, wired and wireless
- Running as administrator,
- Plenty of space on HDD
- Clearing caches of battlenet
- Allowing an exception through security
- Using a VPN
- Changing regions
- Reseting modem/router
- Creating and using another admin account on pc
- Changing install locations
- Restarted computer
- Disabled security programs
- Changed security programs, exceptions added
- Reset the WMI Repository
Update: Also now tried
- Disabling QoS
- Disabling SIP ALG
- Resetting my network settings
- Downloading the installer in different browsers