update stuck at 0%, won't update anything else

Battle Net is stuck trying to update itself. I’ve tried clearing the caches in program files, and clearing the dns cache, and running as administrator, and closing everything in task manager and starting it back up, as well as updating my OS and restarting my computer windows 10 I also changed the settings in the app for network bandwith theyre currently at 0unlimited, but someone said they changed them to 99999 or whatever and that worked, so i tried it unfortunately it didnt work for me

Does anyone know what else I can do? I can’t play anything!

Having this same problem right now!

Hey y’all,

This can happen for several different reasons. The most common cause is background programs like security software blocking the update. Try disabling everything else that is running. You may need to allow the Blizzard app as an exception in the security software, or disable that software or temporarily uninstall that security software to test the app. You can always reinstall the security software again once this is resolved.

None of this worked. I’ve been trying to get call of duty war zone for the entire day and almost none of the features work.


il faut changer de région exemple passer de Europe à Amérique, cela a fonctionnait pour moi.

[Edited by Moderator]
Please check the pinned threads on the Desktop Tech forums. There are a few known issues that we’re looking into for the Blizzard Application and the Call of Duty installations.

This thread has been inactive for some time. Please be mindful of resurrecting older threads. A new or more recent thread can be created to continue the discussion. Locking this thread.