desktop app error: BLZBNTBNA00000005


I’ve not been able to open my client for two days now due to this error. I’ve tried everything on the tech support page, but no luck.

Sadly it’s not possible to play wc3 without this app anymore when you installed it through the site…

Is this a known bug?

Update: I’m also getting this error BLZBNTBTS00000028 message when trying to open the setup .exe


I am experiencing the same issue.
I was playing 2 or 3 nights ago when it was SO LAGGY it wasn’t even possible to play.
I assumed my internet was having an issue so I went to bed.
The next day this error started and I haven’t been able to play since then.

I’m on the same page as well. I cannot even get any of my games to update at all. The update agent won’t wake up, and won’t be able to play unless I get it to work.

From Toronto or Canada? On ROGERS? Looks like there’s some kind of throttling with the Eastern WOW servers, if you have a VPN, I set mine to Texas and that worked.

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