Account Dissapeared

Hello today i tried to log into my battlenet account but it kept saying there was no account, i went to “forgot your password” and it said my email had no account with it. i tried to make a new account using the same email to see if it would say i already have one but now i just have this empty account that im using now. Where did my old account go, i spent a lot of money on those games, and if possible can we delete this one after?

I was playing just fine this morning , i logged out for 5-6 hours and when i came back my auto log when i open client in didnt happen,i tried logging in but there was no such completely dissapeared! i’ve seen more posts saying that the account has been propably hacked and some other posts saying that even when they took their account back they got banned from activision for false hacking/cheating! PLS help me i dont want to lose my progress as i have 15days play time in wz/6days in mw/20hours in cold war.

I created a ticket with proof of my accounts existence (emails from since 2019 confirming me buying games/coins) but no response yet.

Account issues are not handled on the forum. You’ll need to wait for a response to the ticket you already opened.

Too bad support if useless as I sent in a ticket MONTHS ago about the same issue and never heard back.

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