Ban for afk in battlegrounds


I have received a ban for a duration of 8 days for apparently afking in battlegrounds. I am really wondering if anyone else has heard of this because to me this makes no sense. I am rank 7 and barely have done any battlegrounds and I’ve not been afk in any battlegrounds, even if I was guilty of being afk I have done many many avs to get exalted and alliance only won maybe 5 games out of 100 and we had almost half the team most of the time just sitting there afk. I can’t find any information about people getting ban for 8 days for being afk in a battleground.

Anyone else heard of this? In 12 years of playing World of Warcraft I’ve never heard of anyone getting ban for afk in a battleground.

I am definitely done with this game as the only reason I was playing in the first place was to do battleground and apparently I got ban for it.

Moderator: Locking thread. Discussion of actions against your account are prohibited in the forums.

You are posting on the Classic Games Tech Support forum. This forum is not for World of Warcraft related issues. It is for the games that are older than WoW.

If you feel your suspension was not warranted, then you can feel free to appeal via the usual ticket. Blizzard Support - Appealing a Silence, Suspension, or Ban

While you will likely get a template response, it does get a GM to review the logs attached to your account report and verify you were AFK.

Yes, they do suspend, and even perma ban, and have since WoW released.

PS. You likely got 7 actual days (first punishment) but the way they put the suspension date is confusing. I think it is GMT, not US times.

EDIT - Please keep in mind that discussing specific account actions is against the forum code of conduct. This can result in threads being locked or deleted. If you want to see other comments about it you can google “WoW Battleground AFK suspension” and can see that yes, they do suspend people.