I’m back in. Connected!
I just used some double exp tokens then got kicked and put in a 37 minute que.
Great work battle.net
I got kicked in the middle of a ranked game on COD. Thanks a lot Battle.net
right can’t wait to see my penalty for the ranked cod game i was in
Yup - Mee tooo… sigh… was in the middle of upgrading some gear…
Perhaps the Daylight Savings Time adjustment in the US didn’t sit well with the Goblins?
Yeah, great. I only have time to play during the weekend and I have a 37 minute cue to login =/
Resolved - It still said “Reconnecting to Diablo IV”.
I closed Diablo 4 and opened it again. Logged in and my rolls were there.
Try again. I believe the issue should be resolved. I had my changes saved and restored on my end.
a mi me saco y no me deja reconectar
The launcher shows a 30 minute queue wait for me.
i have a 15 min Q lololol
Been on queue for the last 10 minutes, time keeps going up and down. It’s crazy to pay monthly fees (I play WoW), and get this sht service lol. They have two active games now that overwatch has been killed by marvels, just need a WoW killer and blizzard is doomed with this sht we have to put up with.
18 minute queue for me. I’m in Aus but I don’t know if the BNET launcher is regional.
The timer just keeps resetting
My sister and I were just starting to play when I noticed that something was wrong… it appears to be a PC issue because she’s been playing on the PS4 just fine while I’ve been suck in purgatory trying to get back in the game
The phone app kicked me too after I was kicked on my pc so it’s something to do with their authentication servers I think
Yep. There are multiple outages throughout today. Blizzard has decided to remain mum about their infrastructure issues.
I keep getting random dc’s since 11.1 patch. I believe I’ve traced it down to ping time outs. Every single blizzard server times out. I wonder if they’re using some type of program to prevent us from seeing pings?
I’ve tried pinging about 24 different wow servers and they all time out. I tested this on 3 computers, 2 android phones, and one android tablet. They all time out. However, NO other ip addresses I’ve used timed out. It must be blizzard servers IMO.
I added a few servers to my firewall, router, and windows defender as passthrough but it did not solve the problem.
This is the main one I tested - Area 52 -
Would someone let me know what I’m doing wrong? or if they got the same results please? Thanks
I’ve been having this problem for the past 2 hours, started about 2pm CST. Actually I have this problem ever 3 to 4 months where the BNet keep disconnecting which in turn disconnects me from WoW. Computer restarts, modem/router restarts, BIOS/NIC updates etc… nothing ever helps
did they ever get back to you or anything?
“Yeah, Battle.net has been acting up lately. I got kicked too, and now it’s stuck on ‘connecting.’ Guess it’s another classic Blizzard moment! Hopefully, they fix it soon. Anyone else still having issues?”