Am I banned? If so, how long?

I just came back after years of not playing - installed D2 and LOD using the keys tied to my account and can’t connect to with the “ is not responding. Please try connecting again in a few minutes.”

It’s been 48 hours.

I don’t use a VPN. My keys, assigned to this account, are valid as far as I’m aware of. I’m just using a direct wired connection to my home router out to the internet. I looked through the official list of instant bans and I’m certain I don’t meet any of them.

At least let me know how long I’m out… After some 10 years or longer of not playing, whodathunk the restrictions would be so harsh?

I figured it out. It was an IP ban.

My gaming machine is also my testing lab for GNS3 and VMWare. I run a virtual network topology for a Windows domain inside of GNS3. In order for that to work I bridge to my host LAN which ends up using virtual ethernet adapters.

Blizzard likely has the VMWare OUI of the MAC address on their ban table.