Add Campaign hard (& very hard) difficulty


A certain mod for the original WC2 included several difficulty levels for WC2. I would like to suggest you adding a hard and perhaps a very hard mode for the campaigns with proper AI to give a real challenge for veterans. Let’s face it, the original campaigns are extremely easy (the final human campaign mission is the only exception). In mentioned mod, the very hard mode was actually very hard. Even early missions from level 4 or so were a challenge. I think the official remake merits this as well - if modders can do it, you can too.

How to implement it?
-the main thing would be upgrading the ai to be less passive, send waves upon waves at you throughout the game (without cheating, mind you). If possible, attacking from different sides would also be a welcome addition.
-Higher starting ressources for the AI.
-Starting guards and towers should not be overdone though, as this is not really “harder” but more like “more tedious” - taking longer to clear does not equal harder.

The three points combined would make for a great hard mode (with very hard as an even harder upscale of the concept perhaps).


They should fix the AI in general, even before difficulties.
The current one builds in front of mines, gets stuck everywhere, constantly sends units (also peons) to die against blockades, doesn’t use sappers, etc…



What mods are you referring to ?

There’s a guy who makes mods for War2 classic, Combat Edition since like 5 years already.

He has made 3 mods already with higher difficulties for base game campaigns, with tons of fixes for AI-computers and even bugs that came up from original war2 since 1995, like the bugs being included with save reloading against comps.

Those 3 mods are
-Insane Edition
-Road of heroes.

In all the points you mention above, you can find out all of these features into these 3 mods. DAIFE is the easiest one, yet still becomes harder than base game campaigns. All these 3 mods contain the fixes for save reloading against computers that never were fixed by Blizzard, even on remaster.

DAIFE can be found in: https: //gamebanana. com/mods/288680
Insane Edition in: https: //gamebanana. com/mods/288701
Road of Heroes: https: //gamebanana. com/mods/433454

It doesn’t allow me to post straight up links but you can fix them quite fast to be loaded. Gamebanana is safe

The issue with importing mods to the remaster is the fact, Blizzard still haven’t fixed the bugs with save-reloading so its kind of dissapointing to see the very buggy behavior from Comps even on base game, but also facing these issues after reloading.

If you want the authentic experience against challenging computers then you can play up these mods from that guy but in war2 Classic, Combat edition

hi, you can check reply above here with all the fixes you ask for

Hi, thanks for the info.
But well, here we’d like Bliz to fix the official product too.
Btw what’s the save-reload bug?

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since 1995, war2 has bugs when save-reloading against computers.

they stop chopping wood after reloading. This affects to keep the aggression, in case they can keep doing it and have more attacks to be launched
they dont complete upgrades if they had ones that didn’t before reloading
they dont upgrade to keep/castles if reloading before doing it

all of these issues are fixed on the mods from that guy on previous reply

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