About Diablo 4s Soundtrack

When will we see a purchasable side of it?

I mean, when will those of us who want to grab the soundtrack be able to? There are for many of us in Diablo who just, can’t help but remember Tristram. That iconic music that brings nostalgia. You brought it back, and now it makes me wonder why no one asked for it.

I know you are a game company, and you’re trying to get everything working right. I would just love the opportunity to purchase the soundtrack to the Diablo games. Heck, I think I would have been even more sold if that was an option for it.

The music for Diablo 4 has been, wonderful so far. There are times, I wish I could hear it outside the game when I’m concentrating on things where I can’t game, or take it with me on the go when I want to listen to such things.
I don’t know why you haven’t in the past or if you have, I missed it.

Still, this is just a suggestion to put it available please to those who would love to download or purchase it.

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