54 year old gamer. I will not buy or DL another CoD unless

If this is in the wrong place, please move it.

I speak only for myself. I have bought every CoD (and every map pack, back when they were a thing.) In all the years, I have seldomly made an original post, but Black Ops 6 brought me out of my self exile.

I have no comments on SBMM or Warzone. I will leave that for the folks who play those modes. These days I play Zombies and Campaign. My age has shot my skill and desire for multiplayer.

There are a few base things that will determine if I ever play CoD again past 6. How in the world did you decide to make campaign online only? If there is a storm, which happens where I live, alot, I cannot play campaign? I can delete the HUGE CoD, and install Metaphor, BG3, shoot, the entire OG Yakuza series, all of which I shamefully admit that I never finished, for the size of Black Ops 6.

My next issue is the event that you call “Double XP”. Really? More than anything else, this feels unbelievably disrespectful. Like you are spitting in my face. Not a good personal perception a company wants to project I would think.

Please don’t tell me that it was a “glitch” or a “miscalculation”. How many times has there been such an “oops” in the history of CoD online? I KNOW more than a few. And you want me to trust you with my credit card to buy skins, which by the way look great, when in the past 30 or so matches of zombies, I have gotten fewer than 5 gumballs? Oh, but wait, I can buy gumballs in the shop. And that’s a coincidence? Or a “miscalculation”? No.

Have you folks been paying attention to the people who have stopped playing entirely? I know I have.

I could easily keep going, but I won’t. I hope y’all can fix your proverbial “stuff”. I swear I do. But you have work to do to get back my attention or my money.

I’ll be watching. Good Luck.

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