Where is Joyous Journeys?

in case people haven’t noticed the post in the bug report thread from an hour ago.

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This was spammed several times and people are still impatient.
They want their buff and they want it right nao! :rage:

It is pathetic it is going to take weeks to fix this…


pay monthly, cash shop, season pass, pay for expansions, just as many if not more problems than free to play games

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You sound like a complete muppet. You literally are just proving some of our points as to why we want the buff. Not everyone is a little nerd in moms basement with tons of time to spare. Not everyone wants to level the way you did. Foh with your moronic, self righteous candy a$$.


At this point, this is honestly so embarrassing.

Instead of an XP buff, can you do something about the bots?


I’ve been grinding my new paladin to 80 exclusively tanking and it’s just as frustrating as at 80. If you wonder why there’s a lack of tanks consider how people dps now. Everyone wants bigger pulls and faster, but if you are waiting another 2-4 seconds before the next pack/chain for a cooldown to come up, chances are someones gonna pull more while running away with their heads cut off. If you don’t chase down that warlock 6 levels ahead of you nuking mobs before they hit consecrate, you’ve got a long game of headless chicken on your hands. It gets incredibly frustrating incredibly fast.

Caster mobs sit there with no interrupts and mobs are ignored while they slap your healer. DPS like thatDESERVE 2x wait queues with that kind of play style. Those that aren’t pulling this kinda thing stay in my tank queue and are onto the next dungeon with me in < 2 minutes. Tanking was a lot more fun before Uld when it slowly but surely became some kind of race. Gear got better and mechanics went out the windows. DPS don’t need to give two thoughts towards any mechanics at all and there are almost 0 repercussions. You ask them to slow down you’re gonna get called out for being bad (even tho that myrmidon stuns for 4s dropping threat on all targets).

Either way I want JJ back so I can stack the crap out of strength and stop dealing with this headless playstyle. You don’t get command until 71 with any kind of proper tank build and anything before that is cooldown management to keep any flat pace, and it takes patient dps to get a nice cluster of mobs for fast clears, which nobody has the patience or discipline to wait for.

TLDR - Tanking is an acquired taste and some people spoil it by making it too spicy. It becomes work. It becomes frustrating. Everything someone ignores ultimately leads to the tank needing to make up for it.


But if it were a leveling exploit or gold exploit it would be hot fixed within the hour. :slight_smile:


When they accidentally rolled out the ICC buff early it was fixed within hours.

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that’s not entirely the players fault though, that’s the kind of culture the devs have designed their game to promote, whether on purpose or not it’s what they’ve done. especially to early game which sets the player habits for end game.

that said, it’s not really much different than the first time around when dungeon finder was added. i’d say the original experience was worse than this time around and i always level as tank if i have the option on the toon.

its back on!!!


yep, it’s back on

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Thank you for fixing this.

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Much appreciated for getting it up and working again! Happy Holidays to you beautiful people.

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False, there have always been bots leveling and making gold and they do nothing about them.


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It was a challenging bug and realm restarts were required, but once we got it sorted, we didn’t want to wait until Tuesday for the buff to return.

Have fun!


Personally I’ve been the one lagging behind on my Mages since I’m drinking water from Blizzarding everything, but yeah, this isn’t FFXIV where you can pull every single enemy between a dead boss and a living boss and not have a wipe. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah good, I can work on my 50 alts now. :face_with_spiral_eyes: :face_with_spiral_eyes: :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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