Twitch Portal? Blazing Hippogryph?

it shows the portal as claimed for my twitch drop as well…mount is still what i got in game, so that % wont show the results until its at 100

Odd. I JUST started mine and it’s showing the Portal.

Hope they get this fixed for y’all.

Yep I logged out completely down to my desktop and logged back in and now have the portal too in my toy box…thank you Kaivax.

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i did a full log out as well and have yet to see the toy appear, would a computer restart be required? just hoping to get the toy is all =D

No I didn’t do a restart of my system just full log out…did you look in your toy box? …did you do twitch at 10am PDT/1pm EDT?..that is when I did mine. Did you claim the toy on twitch page?

yes to all of those things, got the mount instead and apparently even after logging out the toy isnt showing up =( i claimed the toy at 3:20 pst, mount showed up in my collections tab, logged out a few times now, normal and all the way to desktop, toy is still MIA, but tagged as claimed on the twitch drops page

open twitch in your browser. find a stream w drops enabled. mute the tab. minimise. open a new browser window and proceed as normal.

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Update just got the portal, the mount has no progress still, so i had no problems here

Just logged in and got the portal in my Toy collection. Thanks for fixing it!

I love how the new team responds so quickly. Very cool, guys.

For us that received the mount but not the toy and are getting the toy and keeping the mount, do we need to watch another 4 hours when the time comes when the mount promotion starts?

I would watch next week just in case…I got both the mount and toy …but I was on right as it started up earlier today before the game even came up …

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How about those of us that claimed the drop but received nothing yet?

I was watching a stream as well before game was up again for a couple hours before actually.

That is between you and blizzard and twitch and you should make sure you set up your account correctly and didn’t mute the stream instead of the browser tab…and check if you got the claim in or not…

Were you able to claim the portal ?

I got the mount but have not yet received the toy

I get every drop that works instantly unless blizz and twitch screw something up. So I didn’t get goblin weather machine instantly cause they screwed that up too. Clearly they screwed this up so I’m wondering when those of us who claimed the drop will actually get it, especially since both twitch and blizz customer support like to pit you against eachother and blame eachother hoping to drive you to the brink of madness instead of taking responsibility and helping.

I watched and made progress toward the portal and claimed the portal but received the mount.

All I can say is make sure to watch next week for the next loot drop …which was suppose to be the mount drop time. And keep checking your toy box to see if you got the portal…

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