Feedback: Oracle in The War Within

Well, this shows that it might be possible to get them to change their mind. I would agreed though that San’layn could use some work. DnD already has enough on it, move that function elsewhere(BB and Scourge maybe?).

I know a lot of work has already been putninto these hero talent trees, but please just scrap them. Focus on the current talent trees and refine them. Add a few cool spells and effects in those. Make the hero trees cool thematic looking skins. The talent trees with tier sets are fantastic ways to change up gameplay already


I think the community has misinterpreted this post. The specific language used makes me think the tree will still focus on buffs, just not replace PI. Is this correct or incorrect?

I’m still confused as to why Spriest’s healing and mana regen for the raid and self was made so awful, and the identity of spriest using vampirism and psychic attacks was handed off to other classes.

Our healing was apparently too strong through VE, so it was nerfed time and time again over expansions, but then we see all these leech effects put into things like DH/dk (Blood dk makes sense, but other specs not at all).

Also, DH is an abomination of a class that pilfered so many good aspects of other classes to be created. It has everything in its kit without the negatives associated with them when they were still on the original classes.

Honestly, the fact that you gave us your voice and thoughts its huge alone. Its a big step forward.
Secondly, admitting this to us and accepting that the changes are not widely accepted is another step forward for the team.

I hope more of this keeps on happening. this is big step forward and im very happy to see this.

I hope you guys can come back with a brand-new design that you feel much more confident and happy with. thank you.

My biggest feedback to the team. More of this, more communication, have no fear of speaking up and admitting when things are wrong or when some ideas should be pushed forward a bit more as long as there is solid reasoning backing it up.


Thank you. Please make power infusion a priest only self cast personal CD.


Thank you for listening. :smiley:


Thank you for listening. I’m looking forward to seeing what the next iteration looks like.

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What you said is “incorrect” insofar as Kaivax’s post implied absolutely nothing other than that it won’t be about replacing PI. You could be correct, but there’s no info kne way or the other.

The question I have on my mind though is what exactly is supposed to be the intended goal of the Oracle tree? Is it support or healing?

Both designs are fundamentally different from each other in terms of what kind of feedback we should be providing for a potential 2nd rendition of Oracle.

Also, Disc and Holy are so fundamentally different on how they play the only similarities they have is sharing the same class.

I have nothing to add about PI/support that hasn’t already been said, so I would like to offer some feedback on the class fantasy instead: it is still jarring to me that Oracle is the disc/holy tree while Archon is holy/shadow. When the hero talent names were first revealed I immediately got the impression that Oracle would be one that listens to whispers from both Light and Void (in direct contrast to disc which very deliberately calls upon those forces instead.) Having seen the first pass on the Oracle tree, the passive/‘merely a conduit’ flavor also feels like it has no ties to disc’s existing identity as a spec.

I’m tentatively in favor of exploring the idea of support roles further, but I believe there is room to be creative in gameplay design without relying on the hero/class theme itself to be “Support”

I do find it amusing in a dark sort of way that they removed group healing/mana from shadow, and then brought it back+more with augvoker.

Edit: Now that i think about it the same applies to “Original recipe” Rapture. Seems to be a basic trend that priests lose support utility and gain nothing from the loss, and then it is given to others later in a better form. Perhaps that is one of the core reasons so many of us hate PI-for-others. We realize it will only end with us penalized and our utility/support farmed out to another class.


Yep, no interrupt, Brez or actual proper defensive button.

“but you have PI!” Oh… Yay… Thanks… I am so grateful… /s


Don’t forget removing shining force citing there were too many knockbacks in the game and then making thunderstorm and blast wave class wide abilities, thus giving 4 more specs access to a knockback.


Hero talent trees shouldn’t be bandaids for core class deficiencies.


I am pretty sure everyone agrees there, and no one was asking for hero talents to fix that.

Think we’re saying that there are core issues that should be fixed to begin with.


Believe me I have a long list I’ll probably write up this week. :smiley:


Massively incorrect. Ask any Unholy DK how they felt about getting nerfed because they were a great PI target.

Also, it might shock you, but the top players in the world don’t give a damn about parses.

The more you know!

Happy days for the Priest healers! Now if we could see some similar good changes for Mountain King.

thank goodness