Echoed Ephemera not getting mailed, pending solutions?

There currently is NOT a fix. If you read what others in the forum have received from GMs in game, no one really knows what the problem is. The devs aren’t answering us on it anymore so the solution seems to be just let those of us who are bugged get it later than everyone else. Sucks but that’s where we are now.

I think they are holding off on putting time into this because the “fix” will be that the drops are fully uncapped after reset tomorrow. Since there will be no more reason for the quest to have any sort of cap, lifting the cap makes sense. As such, someone stuck at 38/50 for example could potentially loot 12 next week to finish the quest.

The main reason we only were getting 10 per week is because the overall cap was only increasing by 10 per week.

This, I suppose, would be fine if:

A) There was any kind of guarantee they would actually start dropping, and
B) They confirm that the intent is to still have bosses drop 2 to 3 essences for a quick catch up for anyone like me that somehow ended up stuck well below the current cap

As it stands, however, this isn’t acceptable, IMO, as they refuse to share any information beyond “it’s a bug, idk lol :man_shrugging:”. If they still don’t have a fix for a quest that has been bugged since it went live, it just communicates to this of us affected that a bug fix isn’t a priority for them.

But they did kind of already communicate this during the first mailed fix when they stated the quest total cap was to increase by 10 each week until we could complete it this coming reset; the “total cap” mentioned implies it is not just a weekly cap. I’ve already been getting drops of up to 3 per boss on Heroic and finishing the current cap quite early each week, so it stands to reason people will catch up pretty quickly if behind. The drops scale up as you kill bosses of higher difficulty; people clearing only LFR or normal aren’t meant to be guaranteed to finish unless they are lucky.

And yet, I have not been getting drops, am stuck at 29/50, and have been full clearning normal/clearing at least 8/9H since the raid opened. Meanwhile, guildies that have been making the exact same progress are at 38 to 40 out of 50. This isn’t a case of easier content not being meant to let you finish quickly — the catch up actually negates that entire part of your point anyway — this is a case of drops being literally bugged and just saying “hey you can complete it this week!” does not help if the items won’t actually drop.

Ergo, my point stands: this would be an okay solution if they could confirm the damn things would start dropping again AND that the catch up will remain in place.

We revisited this today, and believe that it’s about to work out for everyone.

As you know, there was an issue that was fixed on November 27 that resulted in a one-time mailing of missing Echoed Ephemera to players. At the same time, we made an additional update*.

Since then, we’ve seen some players report they’re not at the expected amount of Echoed Ephemera. The currency is capped per week, so you can reach 10 on week one, 20 on week two, etc. All players who’ve been maximizing this should be done on week five.

*The additional update we made was to increase the cap for week five to 60 Echoed Ephemera. All players who have been raiding each week should be able to earn the enchantment on week five.



Thanks for the clarity!

Meanwhile I’m stuck at 20/50 because I faction changed during the second week of the tier and for w/e reason the progress seems to be tied to your character rather than the quest itself. I’ve been full clearing Normal since week 1, progging Heroic with my guild and have done LFR multiple times but am seeing no drops after 20, period.

When I submitted a ticket I was basically told Blizzard has no way of tracking that and so they won’t do anything about my missing drops, so even with this fix after raiding every week I will not even be at 50, but 40 at best.

Good system. : )

Side note: I know it’s not your fault and I’m not blaming you, just venting my frustrations at being punished for spending extra money on this game. I understand losing quests is a side effect of faction changing and I accept that, but not even having the catch up mechanic work for my main character is immensely frustrating.


I’m more than happy to raid each difficulty if it means being able to get done alongside my guildies!

buff mage /10char

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Does this mean that if we missed a boss here and there, we can just run multiple difficulties next week and be fine? I had 39 last I checked and got nervous that I might’ve missed one boss somehow one of the weeks.

Also, it’s all still account-wide correct?

I’m at 18/50 after a faction change. Does it reset after a faction change?

I appreciate a response to this issue, but there is a flaw in the above statement. I have been killing and looting every single boss on normal (and some in lfr//heroic) every week since week 1 of the raid and quest. I was mailed 2 Echoed Ephemera to put me up to 20/50 the week Blizzard mailed everything out, as were the rest of my guild raid team. That same day, I full cleared normal again, being stuck at 28/50, guild all at 30/50. Full this week, 38/50. So for the remaining hundreds who have been maximising each week and are not at 40/50 this week, it’s like the Echoed Ephemera mailed out counted against us for that weeks cap instead of giving what we were missing from the weeks before.

I guess it doesn’t matter now if the final week “fix” works, but it’s annoying seeing multiple differing GM responses until now from other players such as “nothing is broken” “we know there’s still an issue” “it’s your UI” “we can’t restore currency (after mailing out thousands of the things)” “working as intended” “no solution at this time”. It can’t be all of those at once, so it has been very frustrating. I guess I’m just complaining to complain at this point but it would be nice if the customer service people were on the same page.

So, when your guild will reach it on boss 4 or 5, you have to go to boss 9???

I’ve raided LFR/N/H since it opened. Stuck at 40.

So next week, in theory, we would be able to earn all remaining we need, if reading correctly?

Faction transferred characters can be more than 10 behind. Some of my guild’s characters are 20 behind because of when they faction-transferred. If the reason our catchup isn’t working is because, behind the scenes, the game is counting the 20 we had pre-transfer (so 20 pre-transfer + 20 post-transfer = 40 = at the growing cap), then tacking on an additional 10 to the week 5 cap is not enough – it just means we’ll get 10 from the naturally growing limit next week and 10 from the “increased” limit.

It’s fine that faction transferring reset my progress, but the problem is that my pre-transfer currency is counting against my cap; I am unable to go past 20/50 this week. Getting an additional 20 instead of 10 next week isn’t quite enough. If that cap issue is fixed, then I am happy to grind out the remaining Ephemera next week :slight_smile:

This doesn’t seem right, to fix this issue you’re raising the cap by 10? So if I’m stuck at 34/50 after a full clear on heroic and normal I have to kill 16 bosses next reset? Why can’t this get mailed out?

The bosses don’t only drop 1 currency. Heroic can drop up to 3. The math is fine, though in your specific case you will need to get a little lucky. Anyone at 38/50 who is doing 5-6 bosses in Heroic and the rest on normal is probably in good shape.

OH! Okay that does make me feel better, it’s been so inconsistent that I didn’t know the drop count. Hope that in my case its nice and quick. Thanks for clearing that up.

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The cap as of time of posting is 40 - you are fine.