Are you going to try WoW with a controller in shadowlands with the official support?

Classes don’t need to be “dumbed down” to be playable on a controller. Have you ever heard of FFXIV??


I actually own FFXIV. I didn’t care for it at all.

My CTS flares up sometimes, so for games without controller options, I just stop playing. I’ll check it out. It’ll be nice if the mouse starts hurting my hands and I can switch to controller to play for a bit longer.

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Well if you own it, then you know that complicated classes are easily playable with a controller.

I would try it if it is on console such as XboxOne or PlaY Station 4/5.

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ESO, D3 dumbed down everything to a 1-5 button choice with ultimates, etc.

WoW always felt like a game meant to be played by PC. The macros, the many many keybind, etc.

I hope this is just offical support and not an indication of console transition.


lol I can’t believe there’s actually people who play with controllers. Blizzard isn’t doing the wrong thing, but it shows how far casual playing can go.
I’m so glad raider IO exists.

That’s fantastic. I am curious to see how that will work out, how targeting is going to work.


Want to hear Bellular’s take on it?

… he actually outright says jobs in FFXIV play just fine with a controller despite classes having more buttons than WoW, and faster pace once all the off-GCDs are available. One could easily argue more complexity as well. All without add-ons that don’t “play the game for you”.

Regardless of how you slice it, the one take-away is that you CAN play WoW with a controller without losing access to any abilities.

Button combinations.

You know how you could hit “CTRL + 1” with a keyboard?

The same can be done using a controller, say “RT + A” as an example. You could use more than two buttons to accomplish this even further, plus use the D-pad as a second set of face buttons (the standard A, B, X, Y) if you’re really in a crunch.

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Thanks I wanted nightmares tonight.
I did that ONCE. Never again.


Maybe it will be fine. I don’t know but I do know that each game that I have owned that supported controllers felt like a console port when I tried to play it with a keyboard and mouse. But hey, it could just be one of those things that is hard to get right and when it is done right, it still feels like a pc game.

I’ll remain suspicious.

what do you mean my class has 11 buttons, i only have 10 fingers?

you act like shift and control modifiers dont also exist for controller users

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Way to steal from Chris Rock…

as someone who exclusively plays with a controller, this would be a big help. im not sure why it isnt an option. placing aoes doesnt take much skill to begin with.

a current workaround is just using an @cursor macro for the same application

It’s less “hard to get into” than it is “completely different set-up”. Old habits are REALLY hard to break, and approaching a game or genre you’re familiar with an entirely different control scheme is often very disorienting and confusing.

Just because you’re used to something different, you end up expending a lot more effort trying to adjust and fighting your muscle-memory than simply defaulting to your usual control scheme.

You have to almost break your brain to make the other control scheme work… and depending on how badly you have to break it, going back could be nearly impossible.

To show the idea at work:


I as a samurai main originally throughout stormblood and now dancer main on FFXIV’s shadowbringers, can fully confirm I was able to play that game perfectly, even in their raids and all dungeons. It’s a whole new world for people who’ve never touched it and only ever played WoW and I understand it can be scary but if implemented right, it can be better then K&M.

Maybe he is Chris Rock! :open_mouth:

Any chance this will also be applied to classic WoW, and possibly TBC realms if it ever comes?

I will not; even when I had FF14 on a PS4, I hooked up a mouse and keyboard.

But I’m super glad WoW is adding controller support. Should have happened in 2004.

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Modern ones have way more than the 4 or so, that I use :wink:

ESO, on the XBOX ONE, already does this. I laugh when people act like it is impossible.

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